The State Secretary of the Norwegian Ministry of Industry, Trade and Fisheries, Dilek Ayhan, met with representatives of NACC and Innovation Norway on her visit to New York on June 16, 2014.

Photo: From left, Svein Berg, Innovation Norway, Ole Schroder, NACC, Dilek Ayhan, State Secretary, and Inger Tallaksen, NACC together with the main characters from the Disney movie “Frozen”; a movie inspired by Norwegian nature and folklore. Due to this movie’s popularity, Norway is enjoying a major increase in tourism from the U.S.

The Norwegian Consul General, Elin Bergithe Rognlie, hosted a luncheon for Norwegian banking interests in honor of the State Secretary’s visit. From left, Ole Chr. Schroder, NACC, Giacomo Landi, DNB, Dilek Ayhan, State Secretary and Henrik Steffensen, Nordea.